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ParsePipeline Basics

Here I demonstrate the basics of parsing text using Spacy + doctable to tokenize text. Spacy does most of the heavy-lifting here to actually parse the document, and doctable methods handle the conversion from the Spacy Document object to a sequence of string tokens (words).

from IPython import get_ipython
import sys
import doctable
ex_texts = [
    'I am pretty bored today. I have been stuck in quarantine for more than two months!',
    'We are all waiting on Dr. Fauci to let us know when to return from quarantine.',
    'On the bright side, I have more time to talk to my distant friends over video chat.',
    'But still, I wish I could travel, go to bars, and go out to eat mrore often!',
    'Here we show an example URL:',
    'And also one with <b><i>xml tags</i></b>.',

1. Build a ParsePipeline for Tokenization

ParsePipeline makes it easy to define a processing pipeline as a list of functions (called components) to apply sequentially to each document in your corpus. You can use the .parsemany() method to run the pipeline on documents in paralel, or simply use the .parse() method to parse a single document.

Our most basic pipeline uses a lambda function to split each text document by whitespace.

parser_split = doctable.ParsePipeline([
    lambda text: text.split(),

We then use the .parse() method to apply the pipeline to a single document.

parsed_text = parser_split.parse(ex_texts[0])
['I', 'am', 'pretty', 'bored', 'today.', 'I', 'have']

We can also use the .parsemany() method to parse all of our texts at once. Use the workers parameter to specify the number of processes to use if you want to use parallelization.

parsed_texts = parser_split.parsemany(ex_texts, workers=2) # processes in parallel
for text in parsed_texts:
['I', 'am', 'pretty', 'bored', 'today.', 'I', 'have']
['We', 'are', 'all', 'waiting', 'on', 'Dr.', 'Fauci']
['On', 'the', 'bright', 'side,', 'I', 'have', 'more']
['But', 'still,', 'I', 'wish', 'I', 'could', 'travel,']
['Here', 'we', 'show', 'an', 'example', 'URL:', '']
['And', 'also', 'one', 'with', '<b><i>xml', 'tags</i></b>.']

2. Use doctable Parsing Components

doctable has some built-in methods for pre- and post-processing Spacy documents. This list includes all functions in the doctable.parse namespace, and you can access them using the doctable.Comp function.

{'preprocess': <function preprocess at 0x7fb23bc901f0>, 'tokenize': <function tokenize at 0x7fb23bc90310>, 'parse_tok': <function parse_tok at 0x7fb23bc903a0>, 'keep_tok': <function keep_tok at 0x7fb23bc90430>, 'merge_tok_spans': <function merge_tok_spans at 0x7fb23bc904c0>, 'merge_tok_ngrams': <function merge_tok_ngrams at 0x7fb23bc90550>, 'get_parsetrees': <function get_parsetrees at 0x7fb23bc90670>}
preproc = doctable.Comp('preprocess', replace_url='_URL_', replace_xml='')
Here we show an example URL:

'Here we show an example URL: _URL_'

Now we show a pipeline that uses the doctable preprocess method to remove xml tags and urls, the Spacy nlp model to parse the document, and the built-in tokenize method to convert the spacy doc object to a list of tokens.

from doctable import Comp
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')

parser_tok = doctable.ParsePipeline([
    Comp('preprocess', replace_xml='', replace_url='XXURLXX'),
    Comp('tokenize', split_sents=False),

docs = parser_tok.parsemany(ex_texts)
for doc in docs:
[I, am, pretty, bored, today, ., I, have, been, stuck]
[We, are, all, waiting, on, Dr., Fauci, to, let, us]
[On, the, bright, side, ,, I, have, more, time, to]
[But, still, ,, I, wish, I, could, travel, ,, go]
[Here, we, show, an, example, URL, :, XXURLXX]
[And, also, one, with, xml, tags, .]

3. More Complicated Pipelines

Now we show a more complicated mode. The function tokenize also takes two additional methods: keep_tok_func determines whether a Spacy token should be included in the final document, and the parse_tok_func determines how the spacy token objects should be converted to strings. We access the doctable keep_tok and parse_tok methods using the same Comp function to create nested parameter lists.

parser_full = doctable.ParsePipeline([

    # preprocess to remove xml tags and replace URLs (doctable.parse.preprocess)
    Comp('preprocess', replace_xml='', replace_url='XXURLXX'),
    nlp, # spacy nlp parser object

    # merge spacy multi-word named entities (doctable.parse.merge_tok_spans)
    Comp('merge_tok_spans', merge_ents=True, merge_noun_chunks=False),

    # tokenize document
    Comp('tokenize', **{
        'split_sents': False,

        # choose tokens to keep (doctable.parse.keep_tok)
        'keep_tok_func': Comp('keep_tok', **{
            'keep_whitespace': False, # don't keep whitespace
            'keep_punct': True, # keep punctuation and stopwords
            'keep_stop': True,

        # choose how to convert Spacy token t text (doctable.parse.parse_tok)
        'parse_tok_func': Comp('parse_tok', **{
            'format_ents': True,
            'lemmatize': False,
            'num_replacement': 'NUM',
            'ent_convert': lambda e: e.text.upper(), # function to capitalize named entities
parsed_docs = parser_full.parsemany(ex_texts)
for tokens in parsed_docs:
['i', 'am', 'pretty', 'bored', 'TODAY', '.', 'i', 'have', 'been', 'stuck']
['we', 'are', 'all', 'waiting', 'on', 'dr.', 'FAUCI', 'to', 'let', 'us']
['on', 'the', 'bright', 'side', ',', 'i', 'have', 'more', 'time', 'to']
['but', 'still', ',', 'i', 'wish', 'i', 'could', 'travel', ',', 'go']
['here', 'we', 'show', 'an', 'example', 'url', ':', 'xxurlxx']
['and', 'also', 'NUM', 'with', 'xml', 'tags', '.']

These are the fundamentals of building ParsePipelines in doctable. While these tools are totally optional, I believe they make it easier to structure your code for text analysis applications.