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Example 1: US National Security Strategy Document Corpus

In this example, I'll show how to create a database for document + metadata storage using the DocTable class, and a parser class using a ParsePipeline. We will store the metadata you see below with the raw text and parsed tokens in the same DocTable.

import sys
import doctable
import spacy
from tqdm import tqdm
import pandas as pd
import os
from pprint import pprint
import urllib.request # used for downloading nss docs

Introduction to NSS Corpus

This dataset is the plain text version of the US National Security Strategy documents. During the parsing process, all plain text files will be downloaded from my github project hosting the nss docs. I compiled the metadata you see below from a page hosted by the historical dept of the secretary's office. In short, each US President must release at least one NSS per term, with some (namely Clinton) producing more.

Here I've created the function download_nss to download the text data from my nssdocs github repository, and the python dictionary nss_metadata to store information about each document to be stored in the database.

def download_nss(year):
    ''' Simple helper function for downloading texts from my nssdocs repo.'''
    baseurl = '{}.txt'
    url = baseurl.format(year)
    text = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode('utf-8')
    return text
nss_metadata = {
    1987: {'party': 'R', 'president': 'Reagan'}, 
    1993: {'party': 'R', 'president': 'H.W. Bush'}, 
    2002: {'party': 'R', 'president': 'W. Bush'}, 
    2015: {'party': 'D', 'president': 'Obama'}, 
    1994: {'party': 'D', 'president': 'Clinton'}, 
    1990: {'party': 'R', 'president': 'H.W. Bush'}, 
    1991: {'party': 'R', 'president': 'H.W. Bush'}, 
    2006: {'party': 'R', 'president': 'W. Bush'}, 
    1997: {'party': 'D', 'president': 'Clinton'}, 
    1995: {'party': 'D', 'president': 'Clinton'}, 
    1988: {'party': 'R', 'president': 'Reagan'}, 
    2017: {'party': 'R', 'president': 'Trump'}, 
    1996: {'party': 'D', 'president': 'Clinton'}, 
    2010: {'party': 'D', 'president': 'Obama'}, 
    1999: {'party': 'D', 'president': 'Clinton'}, 
    1998: {'party': 'D', 'president': 'Clinton'}, 
    2000: {'party': 'D', 'president': 'Clinton'}
# downloader example: first 100 characters of 1993 NSS document
text = download_nss(1993)
'Preface \n\nAmerican Leadership for Peaceful Change \n\nOur great Nation stands at a crossroads in histo'

1. Create a DocTable Schema

The DocTable class is often used by subclassing. Our NSSDocs class inherits from DocTable and will store connection and schema information. Because the default constructor checks for statically define member variables tabname and schema (as well as others), we can simply add them to the class definition.

In this example, we create the 'id' column as a unique index, the 'year', 'president', and 'party' columns for storing the metadata we defined above in nss_metadata, and columns for raw and parse text. See the schema guide for examples of the full range of column types.

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any

class NSSDoc:
    id: int = doctable.IDCol()
    year: int = doctable.Col(nullable=False)
    president: str = doctable.Col()
    party: str = doctable.Col()
    text: str = doctable.Col()
    parsed: Any = doctable.Col()

We can then create a connection to a database by instantiating the NSSDocs class. Since the fname parameter was not provided, this doctable exists only in memory using sqlite (uses special sqlite name ":memory:"). We will use this for these examples.

We can check the sqlite table schema using .schema_table(). You can see that the 'pickle' datatype we chose above is represented as a BLOB column. This is because DocTable, using SQLAlchemy core, creates an interface on top of sqlite to handle the data conversion. You can view the number of documents using .count() or by viewing the db instance as a string (in this case with print function).

# printing the DocTable object itself shows how many entries there are
db = doctable.DocTable(schema=NSSDoc, target=':memory:', verbose=True)
DocTable: SELECT count() AS count_1 
FROM _documents_
<DocTable (6 cols)::sqlite:///:memory::_documents_>
name type nullable default autoincrement primary_key
0 id INTEGER False None auto 1
1 year INTEGER False None auto 0
2 president VARCHAR True None auto 0
3 party VARCHAR True None auto 0
4 text VARCHAR True None auto 0
5 parsed BLOB True None auto 0

2. Insert Data Into the Table

Now let's download and store the text into the database. Each loop downloads a text document and inserts it into the doctable, and we use the .insert() method to insert a single row at a time. The row to be inserted is represented as a dictionary, and any missing column information is left as NULL. The ifnotunique argument is set to false because if we were to re-run this code, it needs to replace the existing document of the same year. Recall that in the schema we placed a unique constraint on the year column.

for year, docmeta in tqdm(nss_metadata.items()):
    text = download_nss(year)
    new_doc = NSSDoc(
    db.insert(new_doc, ifnotunique='replace', verbose=False)
100%|██████████| 17/17 [00:01<00:00, 12.31it/s]

DocTable: SELECT, _documents_.year, _documents_.president,, _documents_.text, _documents_.parsed 
FROM _documents_
id year president party text parsed
0 1 1987 Reagan R I. An American Perspective \n\nIn the early da... [[I., An, American, Perspective], [in, the, ea...
1 2 1993 H.W. Bush R Preface \n\nAmerican Leadership for Peaceful C... [[preface], [American, leadership, for, peacef...
2 3 2002 W. Bush R The great struggles of the twentieth century b... [[the, great, struggles, of, the, twentieth, c...
3 4 2015 Obama D Today, the United States is stronger and bette... [[Today, ,, the, United, States, is, stronger,...
4 5 1994 Clinton D Preface \n\nProtecting our nation's security -... [[preface], [protecting, our, nation, 's, secu...

3. Query Table Data

Now that we have inserted the NSS documents into the table, there are a few ways we can query the data. To select the first entry of the table use .select_first(). This method returns a simple sqlalchemy.RowProxy object which can be accessed like a dictionary or like a tuple.

row = db.select_first()
DocTable: SELECT, _documents_.year, _documents_.president,, _documents_.text, _documents_.parsed 
FROM _documents_

To select more than one row, use the .select() method. If you'd only like to return the first few rows, you can use the limit argument.

rows =
DocTable: SELECT, _documents_.year, _documents_.president,, _documents_.text, _documents_.parsed 
FROM _documents_

We can also select only a few columns.['year', 'president'], limit=3)
DocTable: SELECT _documents_.year, _documents_.president 
FROM _documents_

[NSSDoc(year=1987, president='Reagan'),
 NSSDoc(year=1993, president='H.W. Bush'),
 NSSDoc(year=2002, president='W. Bush')]

For convenience, we can also use the .select_df() method to return directly as a pandas dataframe.

# use select_df to show a couple rows of our database
DocTable: SELECT, _documents_.year, _documents_.president,, _documents_.text, _documents_.parsed 
FROM _documents_
id year president party text parsed
0 1 1987 Reagan R I. An American Perspective \n\nIn the early da... [[I., An, American, Perspective], [in, the, ea...
1 2 1993 H.W. Bush R Preface \n\nAmerican Leadership for Peaceful C... [[preface], [American, leadership, for, peacef...

4. Create a Parser for Tokenization

Now that the text is in the doctable, we can extract it using .select(), parse it, and store the parsed text back into the table using .update().

Now we create a parser using ParsePipeline and a list of functions to apply to the text sequentially. The Comp function returns a doctable parse function with additional keyword arguments. For instance, the following two expressions would be the same.

doctable.component('keep_tok', keep_punct=True) # is equivalent to
lambda x: doctable.parse.parse_tok_func(x, keep_punct=True)

Note in this example that the 'tokenize' function takes two function arguments keep_tok_func and parse_tok_func which are also specified using the .Comp() function. The available pipeline components are listed in the parse function documentation.

# first load a spacy model
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')

# add pipeline components
parser = doctable.ParsePipeline([
    nlp, # first run spacy parser
    doctable.Comp('tokenize', **{
        'split_sents': False,
        'keep_tok_func': doctable.Comp('keep_tok'),
        'parse_tok_func': doctable.Comp('parse_tok'),

[<spacy.lang.en.English at 0x7f2cd9334400>,
 functools.partial(<function tokenize at 0x7f2d86167160>, split_sents=False, keep_tok_func=functools.partial(<function keep_tok at 0x7f2d86167280>), parse_tok_func=functools.partial(<function parse_tok at 0x7f2d861671f0>))]

Now we loop through rows in the doctable and for each iteration parse the text and insert it back into the table using .update(). We use the ParsePipeline method .parsemany() to parse paragraphs from each document in parallel. This is much faster.

docs =
for doc in tqdm(docs):
    doc.parsed = parser.parsemany(doc.text[:1000].split('\n\n'), workers=8) # parse paragraphs in parallel
    db.update_dataclass(doc, verbose=False)
  0%|          | 0/51 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

DocTable: SELECT, _documents_.year, _documents_.president,, _documents_.text, _documents_.parsed 
FROM _documents_

100%|██████████| 51/51 [00:04<00:00, 11.42it/s]

See the 'parsed' column in the dataframe below to view the paragraphs.

DocTable: SELECT, _documents_.year, _documents_.president,, _documents_.text, _documents_.parsed 
FROM _documents_
id year president party text parsed
0 1 1987 Reagan R I. An American Perspective \n\nIn the early da... [[I., An, American, Perspective], [in, the, ea...
1 2 1993 H.W. Bush R Preface \n\nAmerican Leadership for Peaceful C... [[preface], [American, leadership, for, peacef...
2 3 2002 W. Bush R The great struggles of the twentieth century b... [[the, great, struggles, of, the, twentieth, c...

And here we show a few tokenized paragraphs.

paragraphs = db.select_first('parsed')
for par in paragraphs[:3]:
    print(par, '\n')
DocTable: SELECT _documents_.parsed 
FROM _documents_
['I.', 'An', 'American', 'Perspective']

['in', 'the', 'early', 'days', 'of', 'this', 'administration', 'we', 'laid', 'the', 'foundation', 'for', 'a', 'more', 'constructive', 'and', 'positive', 'American', 'role', 'in', 'world', 'affairs', 'by', 'clarifying', 'the', 'essential', 'elements', 'of', 'U.S.', 'foreign', 'and', 'defense', 'policy', '.']

['over', 'the', 'intervening', 'years', ',', 'we', 'have', 'looked', 'objectively', 'at', 'our', 'policies', 'and', 'performance', 'on', 'the', 'world', 'scene', 'to', 'ensure', 'they', 'reflect', 'the', 'dynamics', 'of', 'a', 'complex', 'and', 'ever', '-', 'changing', 'world', '.', 'where', 'course', 'adjustments', 'have', 'been', 'required', ',', 'i', 'have', 'directed', 'changes', '.', 'but', 'we', 'have', 'not', 'veered', 'and', 'will', 'not', 'veer', 'from', 'the', 'broad', 'aims', 'that', 'guide', 'America', "'s", 'leadership', 'role', 'in', 'today', "'s", 'world', ':']